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Tyne and Wear Directorate

Welcome to the true face of Vencorp

The purpose of this site is to introduce you to the Tyne and Wear Directorate, along with giving you an idea about what we do.

Within this site, you will find descriptions of current Kindred, useful links and advice on being a Ventrue in Tyne and Wear.

It is hoped that we will be able to expand this site, in order to cope with new additions to the Directorate.

What's New?

Last updated on 7/12/2002, 10:42:01 PM

Below you may find some links to useful information for Kindred.

Advice for Neonates

If you have any suggestions on ways to improve the site, please contact us via the Email addresses below.

Email Ethan

Email Neil

View the Clan Ventrue Comments Book
Sign the Clan Ventrue Comments Book

A bicycle; Actual size=240 pixels wide

Our Sunderland Offices are on the site of the old Vaux Brewery. The building has undergone extensive refurbishment, utilising the design talents of a local up and coming Architect. We believe that the contemporary design embodies our vision of combining traditional values with modern concepts.

Vampire: The Masquerade is White Wolf Publishing Inc. Use of various trademarks is not intended to challenge their copyright.Tyne and Wear Vampire is run on a not for profit basis.
Tyne and Wear Vampire was created by the insane genius of Andrew S. Rafferty