"Tigger... A Very Bouncy Animal with a way of saying how-do-you-do which always left your ears full of sand..."
"I love jumping," said Roo. "Lets see who can jump farthest, you or me."
"I can," said Tigger."But we musn't stop now, or we shall be late."
"Late for what?"
"For whatever we want to be in time for," said Tigger, hurrying on.
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"Tigger; a Friendly Tigger, a Grand Tigger, a Large and Helpful Tigger, a Tigger who bounced, if he bounced at all, in just the beautiful way a Tigger ought to bounce."
"He just is bouncy," said Piglet, "and he can't help it"...
"All I did was I coughed," said Tigger.
"He bounced," said Eeyore.
"Well, I sort of boffed," said Tigger.