Martin Rochlin, Ph.D.
1.) What do you think caused your heterosexuality?
2.) When and how did you first decide you were a heterosexual?
3.) Is it possible that your heterosexuality stems from a neurotic fear of others of the same sex?
4.) Is it possible that your heterosexuality is just a phase you may grow out of?
5.) Isn't it possible that all you need is a good gay lover?
6.) Heterosexuals have histories of failure in gay relationships. Do you think that you may have turned to heterosexuality
out of fear of rejection?
7.) If you've never slept with a person of the same sex, how do you know that you wouldn't prefer that?
8.) If heterosexuality is normal, why are a disproportionate number of mental patients heterosexual?
9.) To whom have you disclosed your heterosexual tendencies? How did they react?
10.) Your heterosexuality doesn't offend me as long as you don't try and force it on me. Why do you people feel compelled
to seduce others into your sexual orientation?
11.) If you should choose to nurture children, would you want them to be heterosexual, knowing the problems they would
12.) The great majority of child molesters are heterosexuals. Do you really consider it safe to expose your children to
heterosexual teachers?
13.) Why do you insist on being so obvious, and making a public spectacle of your heterosexuality? Can't you just be who
you are and keep it quiet?
14.) How can you ever hope to become a whole person if you limit yourself to compulsive, exclusive heterosexual object
choice, and remain unwilling to explore and develop your normal, healthy, God-given homosexual potential?
15.) Heterosexuals are noted for assigning themselves and each other to narrowly-restricted, stereotyped sex roles. Why
do you cling to such unhealthy role-playing?
16.) How can you enjoy a fully satisfying sexual experience or deep emotional rapport with a person of the opposite sex,
when the obvious physical, biological and temperamental differences between you are so vast? How can a man understand what
pleases a women sexually, or vice-versa?
17.) Why do heterosexuals place so much emphasis on sex?
18.) With all the societal support marriage receives, the divorce rate is spiraling. Why are there so few stable relationships
among heterosexuals?