Not much to say about my social life except here's a few links to clubs that I like and some info on Newcastle Gay Scene...
Snakebite and Black
Newcastle's Goth/Alternative 80's night - used to be held at Rockshots but has now finised as too few people were going
*sniff!*. The Cyber/Trad row reaches it's peak in the guestbook, but at least you'll get an idea of what it's like!

Newcastle Gay Scene
Well the part of it run by Fat Boy Leisure at any rate. So you can see part of the joy's of living in Newcastle!

Poptastic - I don't get to go to Poptastic now but it's the best club night in the world - ever!! A mix of indie/rock,
and Bubblegum Pop/Retro (if you've looked at my Music page you'll see why this is so good...) I have been found moshing to
the Pixies one minute and dancing along to Steps the next...
Poptastic - The Website!
Poptastic ShagTags - The Original and Best, Now also a message board...