Advice for Neonates

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Advice for Neonates

Do's and Don'ts

Prestation is the situation in which a Kindred will assist another in return for future reparation. There are two forms of Prestation, Formal and Informal. We will do our best to cover both.

Formal Procedure

There is a strict body of rules to be adhered to when utilising the Formal Procedure. First, the level of Boon must be decided. This can be done between the Kindred involved, or the Herald may be called in as mediator.
There are three levels of Formal Boons: Minor, Major and Life.
The differences between minor and major are arbitrary. However a Life Boon may only be requested when ones life is saved by another Kindred.
Once the level of boon has been decided the Kindred involved must then approach the Herald and request that the Camarilla recognises the Boon.
Upon fulfillment of the Boon, both Kindred involved must once again approach the Herald and ask that the Camarilla accepts completion of this contract.

Informal Procedure

This is a private agreement between two Kindred. It is much easier to break, although much loss of dignitas may occur.

Paper trail

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