First, be forewarned that these rules are not hard and fast. They are in fact rather soft and slow. Not everyone will react the same way to being manipulated (or out-and-out ordered) to do stuff. Get to know the person you are manipulating. This does not necessarily mean being friendly with them: that may in fact be counter-productive if they themselves are manipulative people. Find out about them from a variety of third-person sources. And don't limit yourself to sources you trust. Sometimes you might hear something that will be useful, even if it isnt entirely true. Never underestimate the power of the Rumor, young Ventrue. Never.
Second, cover your ass. If (when) something goes wrong, have a way out. Hopefully several. We didnt get to our position by letting neonates make us look bad - not to mention the damage that could be done to your own reputation.
Without further ado, lets get the little stuff out of the way first.
Like mortals.
Easy as pie. Dominate, Condition, use Presence, do whatever you want, its hard to go wrong with these worms. But dont get overconfident. You still have to have that back door available. Not only is it a bad habit to get into, leaving yourself open, but if something does go wrong, it usually gone badly wrong and you have Ye Olde Inquisition or a gang of wolves on your tail. Dont sweat blood over the cattle, but be careful. They have this nasty habit of stampeding...
OK, now on to real people....