Dont snort. Shut up. You think youre above that rabble? Shut up. You dont know shit. Brujah are fast and tough and make excellent pawns. Youve got a few options with them, too:
1. If you can manage it, get rumors circulating that performing action X would seriously hork off the Prince or other elder (even the Brujah elder ironically enough.) Wait for nature to take its course. The disadvantage to this is that it may take a while, and in many instances (the above mentioned Sabbat nest), it just wouldnt make sense and would probably put attention on the wrong person (you) anyway. Hope you had that back door ready.
2. Be straight with them. Dont be ingratiating, dont try to get into their good graces (they havent got any). If you have the power to do so, otter them small concessions. It doesnt matter how small they are - it only matters that you act like they are large. If you act as if it tears your heart out to give them $1.50, then the price probably wont go any higher. They dont really want anything from us except to see us squirm. So squirm. Who cares what they think?